Join the medical aid that works for you!

Experience South Africa's best medical aid and never look back again.

We also hate Spam. Your details will only be used for the purpose of helping you achieve your financial goals.

Join the medical aid that works for you!

Experience South Africa's best medical aid and never look back again.

We also hate Spam. Your details will only be used for the purpose of helping you achieve your financial goals.


Healthcare is an extremely specialised industry. Hospital and Healthcare costs are escalating rapidly and the options are daunting and often difficult to compare and evaluate. So, whether your company requires medical cover solutions for employees, or you are an individual who needs competitive health cover, we can help you make sense of it all. Let’s talk!

Comprehensive benefits.

Choose from 23 plans, which all offer rich benefits with unlimited private hospital cover, and full cover in our extensive healthcare networks.

Better healthcare

Access to wide ranging benefits, care programs and services that ensure you and your doctor can access the best healthcare available when you need it.

Lower cost

Lowest contributions, which are on average 16.4% lower than contributions for comparable cover with other South African medical schemes.

Enjoy the rewards

The opportunity to join the world’s leading science based wellness program, Vitality, that gives you access to and rewards you for a healthy lifestyle.